Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The perfect gift!

Being on a record breaking Tour of the Great Southwest isn't keeping us from taking care of our army of blindly loyal fans in the rest of the civilized world!
So, just in time for the holidays, we present The GilmerMetcalves 2009 Calendar!
Including every day of all twelve months, with plenty of space for writing in notes of upcoming GilmerMetcalves appearances!
At only $19.99, it's the perfect holiday stocking stuffer for even These Troubled Times!
Besides, 2009 is going to be worth it!
Click here to order your GilmerMetcalves 2009 Calendar right now!

Chloe "Another Day, Another Self-Promotional Dollar" Kleimenhagen,
on tour with The GilmerMetcalves, 2008

Listen up and download "A Rough Ride in Luxury" and "The Ballad of el Toro de Fantasma", then saddle up with all of your official GilmerMetcalves merchandise!

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