Friday, May 29, 2009

A Shot at Wild Turkey!

While we're busy writing, playing and recording our new CD "Cigs and Whiskey" we had to take a minute to share with everybody this treasure. Of course everyone knows the world famous Wild Turkey Studios, where we're ensconced until we finish "C&W", and its diminutive but dynamic proprietor, W.C. "Gum" Parker. So you can imagine our joy at being presented with an autographed picture of Mr. Parker, taken in the courtyard of his beautiful facility!
You can bet as soon as we get back to the Airstream it will be framed in barnwood and adorning The GilmerMetcalves' Wall of Honor, alongside Jake's toy guitar from his misspent boyhood and that piece of glass Jerry Wayne found outside of the DirtRoad Tavern after a gig in Zorn, Texas.

Click this beauty to see it bigger!

Saddle up with all your favorite Official GilmerMetcalves merchandise!

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