Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just in time for the holidays!

1. Black Hay Blues
2. I Saw My Regrets Reflected in the Bong Water
3. The Fuschia Tongued Devil and I
4. I Like My Steak Chicken Fried and My Women Covered in Cream Gravy
5. Bad Girls Made Good (By Being Badder)
6. Texas History Movies
7. They Whupped Daddy (But Momma Mauled ‘Em All)
8. My Sister’s in Prison for Killin’ Her Man While He was in Heaven Drillin’ Her Hired Hand
9. Life’s a Train (And My Heart’s on the Tracks)
10. She's Ridden My Bull, Way Past the Buzzer

The non-band of the year is back with their sophomoric effort, “Nothing But Black Hay Left”! Inspired by the lamentations of a fellow partier upon discovering the bong bowl contained only the charred sprigs of what had been a ticket to, as Carlos Castaneda used to say, a separate reality, this title holds a collection of tunes sure to set your boots to sliding, if not staggering, across your own makeshift dance floor (just make sure it’s a floor and not I-35!)!
What better gift for your alt-country fan who wants a little something different in his/her saddlebag this year than this heady brew of faux punkabilly?
Answer: As they say in the Boonies, “Ner’ern”!

Chloe “Corn Squeezin’” Kleimenhagen,
Austin, Texas, 2007

Saddle up with all of your official GilmerMetcalves merchandise now!

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